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By registering as an smsGate user, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

smsGate shall protect client information using the same standard of care that it applies to safeguard its own confidential information and that the information shall be stored in such a way as to prevent any unauthorised disclosure thereof.

We will do our best to ensure successful delivery of all messages. Successful delivery depends on additional parties such as ISP's, telcos and network operators, hence smsGate cannot guarantee delivery. In particular delivery depends on:

  1. If the subscriber is in an area with sufficient cellular coverage by his/her operator
  2. If his/her device is on
  3. If there is any weather phenomena that disturb the operation of the provider
  4. If the provider is currenty overloaded

smsGate will not disclose or use any information submitted by clients to the website for any purpose other than that for which the client is using the service for.

All users must comply with all applicable laws, regulations and network operator requirements. Any complaint from a network operator would be regarded in a very serious light and the responsible smsGate user could be suspended without a refund of its credits.

Users are therefore advised to include their own contact details in their messages to ensure that complaints are directed at them and not at the network operator. smsGate may remove numbers from its database should complaints be received.

To protect the integrity of the system, smsGate users may not send unlawful, obscene, abusive, harassing, threatening or obscene messages. Spamming (unsolicited marketing) is not allowed. Messages sent are stored and can be audited at any time. Users indemnify smsGate against any losses suffered in the event that they don't comply to the above.

smsGate can modify the pricelist without any prior notice. It can also modify the balance of the users to match the new price policy.

The number of credits used per message is subject to change, and also depends on the cost route used.

The service is provided as is. Users should verify which networks are covered. Changes may occur as to which networks are covered. Notices of changes, where possible, will be posted on the front page of the website and/or sent via email to users.

If you do not agree with one of the terms do not use smsGate services.